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Thursday, March 09, 2006

There's the man with the words

Today I did hear an interview with a professor of physics from the City University of New York; his name sounds like Kocker -- his book, which caused the interview, is named Parallel Worlds. He was mentored by Teller and matriculated at Harvard, and has been working in string theory for some twenty years at least. A lot of his students have been publishing, I expect, because the things that I've been following may root from the classes he and his colleagues run. And he's got the succinct words.

The mind of God is cognate music, registering through a cosmic nirvana. A God of Harmony. There are so many subatomic particles, and studying string has convinced him that subatomic particles are musical notes you can play on a string.

Sure, I probably won't read his book, because all the cosmic study, and atom splitting, and interstellar study are so far outa my league. But that paragraph above, that does satisfy me. The God of Harmony.


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